Meet Dr. Romina Ghassemi, DC

Meet Dr. Romina Ghassemi, DC

Today we’d like to introduce you to Romina Ghassemi.

Thanks for sharing your story with us Romina. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there.
In 1987 I arrived in USA, to pursue my passion of being a Doctor to help those suffering. 1995 I graduated as doctor of chiropractic UAHSSA CA. Through the years I focused my advance trainings in Chiropractic Bio-physics, Scoliosis treatments & neurology, Spinal Correction programs and Ergonomics. My training and experience lead me pursue solving the underlying cause of the spinal problems and early Degenerative Joint Disease. I saw a need to help people reduce physical injuries by early correction and prevention. This goal was the foundation of my inventions. I took on the journey of invention and product development and created a line of medical devices made accessible and fashionable. The purpose of the inventions is to change & retrain muscle memory for better alignment and body movement for optimal performance, while in that optimal position thru internal bio-feedback loop the body develops new habits aka neuroplasticity. This would mean the person using BAX-U WEARABLES will be in correct alignment without thinking about it.

The leading underlying cause of many body malfunctions stem from the spine, today, working from home is imposing new ranges to the function of the body. Poor posture is not about just looking unhealthy it’s the extend of its daily damages such as: Headaches, Muscle Fatigue, Sprains/Strains, Joint Changes (arthritic changes), Nerve Irritation (pain/ numbness & tingling/ in upper and lower extremities) Skeletal Changes (reverse neck/text neck & Disc injuries/ Bone Spurs) and early degenerative arthritis changes to the body. Today I offer an effective at home personalized biomechanics correction with BAX-U Wearables. The only posture correction line tested and studied with HR RISK MANGERS, DOCTORS, ATHLETIC COACHES, as a proven effective wearable for correction, prevention, wellness & injury reduction while at home, work or just recreational activities.

In my journey, as a Student, Physician, Ergonomist, Inventor, Researcher, Speaker, and Teacher, I have been blessed to touch the lives of many people for better.

Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
It has not been easy at all. At first it started as a fun project to help my patients gain faster progress. I walk to each shop, and manufacturer in Los Angeles fabric and garment districts. Spending hours with fashion designers to create a seamless synergy between Medical biomechanics of motion and Fashion industry. An upgraded higher quality Medical Device made fashionable with maximal benefit and change for better alignment and posture.

Two years and 300+ prototypes later. The final patterns, designs and materials were selected, testing completed and manufacturing and sales started. BAX-U Posture Support was awarded “the innovative products of 2016 Home Health Care products”. I was the only female small business entrepreneur who offered a Posture Corrector Wearable that was reimbursed by insurance companies. I expanded my clinic to a full physical medicine clinic. A huge realization that there is a bigger need for posture correction than just muscles and joints., poor posture is the early sign of progressive injuries to Discs and Nerve structures that cause physical disabilities and pain so extensively, making life almost impossible for patients.

How can I move faster? 90% of patient could have avoided their injuries. Instead of scheduling their office visits they could have planned the next vacation, or family time. Money, time and resources were limited and I was getting exhausted. my family and loved ones begged me to stop this pursuit and take time off, but I had to keep going. I just had to! Not realizing the challenge and pressure in innovation and taking an idea from concept to a high-quality product in the hands of consumer, I fell ill and had taken time off.

Everything that was on my shoulders beard heavy and I felt like a failure. It was my patients, doctors and customers testimonials, letters, and messages that fueled me to get up and continue the journey. Today I am creating the next line of products to enter the market. The feel and look of Lululemon with built in KT tapes for support and alignment, improving performance and alignment in daily activities.

Please tell us about your business.
BAX-U posture corrector is a brand of Think Healthy Inc. a line of wearable products for better alignment and optimal physical performance. I specialize in product development and innovation technology. In the world of ergonomics and injury prevention risk mangers know me as Posture Girl. Chiropractors know me as Dr. Romina, posture products and my patients know me as “healing hands” & best adjustor. I am most proud of utilizing my medical knowledge, training, and experience to help changes lives those who I have not met or seen. What sets me apart from other chiropractors is being the top 1% of innovation of products for masses and a lecturer in corporate wellness and injury prevention. What sets me apart in the posture product world is the ability to offer a higher quality trusted product with scientific backup in the hands of consumers for better health and life.

If you had to go back in time and start over, would you have done anything differently?
I would have grown my team faster and stronger, rather than trying to do it all by myself. Today I have a great team of local and remote support. I am grateful for their work and can’t thank them enough. Our customer service is fantastic and manufacturing & logistics are locally on target.


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